Friday, April 08, 2011

Photo Journalism

I would really not enjoy nor want to be a photo journalist. It's just not something that would fit me too well. Not at all actually. I wanna be up front experiencing things, not just taking & looking at pictures of what I could've gotten a better experience out of doing.

I'm sorry if this would be offensive towards anyone. I really don't mean anything by it, but because of my strong want to not be a photo journalist.....I can't think of anything other then zombies because of my friends conversations....(Randy&Darien) But cha. I apologize for this but it's simply my opinion.

Though....if I could be a photo journalist....Thanks to the idea from Randy.....I would love to be a photo journalist for a Zombie Apocalypse! :D Like....damn. That would be amazing. It'd be like...a different version of the game Dead Rising! =] Taking photos from a real life zombie apocalypse! :D Zombieland! XD

But since that is only "imagination"...(like my obsession with Pokemon...) I couldn't possibly be a real-life photo journalist. My apologies Mrs.Vasa. <3

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha... be careful what you wish for there.... at least we know who to call when the apocalypse comes.
